The underdog
From East Troy/Wisconsin to the Racetracks of the World
One of the reasons why we do BringTheBikesHome is, beside getting the bikes to Barber, is the idea of conserving the history of the last years of V-Twin manufacturing and Racing in EastTroy/Wisconsin – or as we all know them, EBR.
This booklet is now a 90 pages long softcover containing immense knowledge, EBR and Splitlath racing history, info on the 4 bikes, pictures and greetings by Erik Buell himself, Mark Miller and John Dimbylow.

We have further plans of writing a proper Buell book, so this should be a first step to write down what happened and preserve some of the history the Team at the factory and individuals, racers and riders achieved with the EBR brand. Here are some teaser pages, they are blurred because of different reasons. First of all, we have not yet all picture rights secured, on some of the texts we still work on and last but not least, the idea is that you are all curious to buy the package to support the mission to bring the bikes home. Thank you for your support!
Chapter 1. Welcome Addresses. Pages 2.-9.
Chapter 2. The Bikes. Pages 10.-19.
Chapter 3. ERIK BUELL RACING. Pages 20.-29.
Chapter 4. Barber Motorsports Park & Museum. Pages 30.-37.
Chapter 5. The IOMTT. Page 38.-43.
Chapter 6. Macau. Page 44.-47.
Chapter 7. WSBK Series. Page 48.-53.
Chapter 8. EBR Racers. Page 54.-61.
Chapter 9. EBR Nation. Page 62.-69.
Chapter 10. ArtPrints. Page 70.-71
Chapter 11. Prizes, Copyright credits. Page 72.-75.
Attention: Content and pictures is Subject of change without notice.